News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
The most dangerous drug in the world is NOT cocaine, heroin, or crystal meth, but rather a drug commonly prescribed by doctors who get lavish bonuses for slinging it
Fifty times stronger than pure heroin, this drug killed over 100,000 Americans last year, even when taken as prescribed by their drug-slinging quack medical doctor. That factoid is according to the CDC. That drug is called fentanyl, and it’s the most dangerous drug doled out by licensed doctors and by drug dealers on the streets […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 8 ways childhood health is destroyed by toxic food and medicine, and how psychiatry exploits symptoms of toxicity to push experimental drugs
Big Food and Big Pharma have the candle burning at both ends when it comes to the health of the majority of Americans. It’s one big cash cow, and what you don’t know WILL hurt you. Today’s children are at the forefront of this evil scheming, and the food they eat regularly fuels the “disorders” […]
By S.D. Wells
For children as young as 6 who have excessive energy and short attention span, doctors are pushing new Qelbree drug that causes suicidal thoughts and homicidal actions
Rather than gun control, America needs prescription drug CONTROL to ban these violent, psychotic-episode-inducing ADHD drugs. Introducing Qelbree (Viloxazine), the first non-stimulant prescription drug for ADHD approved by the FDA in over a decade. These extended release capsules are produced by Supernus Pharmaceuticals. The box warning states this medication can be prescribed to children diagnosed […]
By S.D. Wells
“Dopesick” mini-series on HULU reveals how the opioid crisis was engineered using insidious lies, fake studies, warped charts, and made-up medical terms
After September 11, 2001, Americans were convinced by the media that we should find where the “mastermind terrorist” lives and invade his “country,” then find him and kill him. Osama Bin Laden just so happened to be from Afghanistan, where the poppies all flourish and heroin is made (Afghanistan produces 90 percent of the world’s […]
By S.D. Wells
If people being killed by spike protein vaccines in the name of “science” is deemed GOOD, then why is there so much opposition to prescription opioid deaths?
Today, if you do not want to be injected with billions of toxic spike prions supposedly designed to ward off a bad case of Covid, then you are deemed “anti-science” by all of mainstream media, 50 percent of Americans, and of course, the CDC. You must be against “science” entirely to deny that the Covid […]
By S.D. Wells
The 10 most popular Western “medicines” and treatments that FAIL to heal you… and how they make health matters WORSE in the long run
Did you know that taking a round of antibiotics completely “carpet bombs” your good bacteria in your gut? After arduous medical research had been conducted for years, the medical industry finally had to admit that beneficial organisms living in our intestines get totally wiped out from a full round of the very medicine that’s widely […]
By S.D. Wells
200 Million Americans currently HYPNOTIZED and LOBOTOMIZED by Big Food and Big Pharma
There are more than 200 million numb and dumb American consumers, who’ve watched TV their whole lives and believed that food advertised as healthy actually is. This two-thirds portion of all American adults have no clue that most food is literally designed to cause your body to develop diabetes, cancer, heart disease and dementia. Then, […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 5 ways people SCREW UP quitting nicotine, and a natural way “out of the labyrinth”
How should you do it this time? Should you go cold turkey? Can you? Maybe the patch could wean you off slowly. It does have a four percent success rate. That’s four out of every 100 people who spend money on the patch, wear it for weeks, if not months, and still smoke occasionally. Not […]
By S.D. Wells
The absolute hypocrisy of Western Medicine – Anything they can make money on is legal; if not, it’s illegal
Most Americans are so doped up on fluoridated water, prescription medications and pesticide-laden genetically modified foods that they can’t differentiate between what’s adding to their mental and physical chaos and what could actually heal them. They watch television and read the newspaper, thinking they’re getting the news, but what they’re getting is advertising that costs […]
By S.D. Wells
How ridiculous and ironic that marijuana is illegal in most US states, but most prescription painkillers contain a diluted form of heroin
Think about this one for a minute. Marijuana, which has never killed anyone, is illegal to grow or smoke in the majority of this “free” country, yet opiate-based medications are killing people through addiction and overdose by the millions, and that’s even if you take them “as prescribed.” Here are just some of the more […]
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